First Medlars, Russet Apples & Howgate Wonders

30 September 2015

Its still early season for apples and so the early growing varieties such as Laxton Fortunes & Merton Worcesters are still eating really well (the Discoveries are finished now) - Laxtons are therefore our "bulk buy" option. Coxes, will begin next week.


And we have the first Russet Apples in this week - the Princess variety. Russet Apples are generally harder to find nowadays: their lack of shine & crunch make for a less pretty apple, eschewed by today's shallow eyes. But they have a density and moistness that other varieties dont, so please do try them...!


Finally on fruit, we have the first of the Medlars - another almost forgotten fruit that you will need to buy, and retain in a cool dark corner, until the flies are almost circling above them before you cook or turn to jelly...!



Picture of Princess Russet Apples  (500g)Picture of Essex Medlars (500g)Picture of Quinces (1kg)